Jan 14, 2013

The Mandatory New Year Checklist post.

First of all, a very happy 2013 to all!

2012 has been one of the better years for me. After feeling lost for over a couple of years, 2012 showed me some direction. Realizations happened, Priorities made their way and made themselves recognized. All I did was go with the flow.

I said that my 2012 began on an amazing note in my last years Checklist post. I spent it with people I loved the most, even if they were miles away and had just made an entrance into the beautiful mess I call my life. The year flew away quicker than expected :) Lets see how I fared on my 2012 Checklist!

1. Must. Get. A. Job. : Well, not quite the job of my dreams, but things did start to move for me. I started baking a lot, got a lot of attention on my food blog Caramel Wings, and people loved what I baked so much that I started taking small time baking orders and did a couple of cooking workshops too. I am still taking some one on one baking classes :) Check.

2. Lose 10 more kilos. : I'll be honest. I lost them, but I put back on. I have not been regular with my gymming thanks to all the cooking workshop run around and with all that food reviewing and eating, I have put on. I did lose inches though. So this one, I will consider a fail.

3. Try to run a Marathon. : Nothing. Fail.

4. Learn a New Language. : Fail too.

5. Buy a new Cellphone. : I actually bought a new cellphone and WON another one this year in a contest! I am now using the Nokia Lumia 800 and I don't care what you guys say, I love it. Check.

6. Buy a new Camera. : I'll say this one is a pass too coz the Nokia Lumia 800 has an amazing 8 MP camera. Check.

7. Be in a LBD ready body. : Not quite. Fail.

8. Buy more shoes. : Bought 4 pairs this year. Not bad! :D Check.

9. Spread Love. : I think I did :) Check.

10. Stay in Love. : I am, I so am. Check.

A 60% is not too bad but I know I could have done better! But with new goals and a newer outlook I now put together my Checklist for 2013!

1. Get fitter, leaner.

2. Think a million times before letting people into your life.

3. Get your dream job.

4. Reward yourself more often. 

5. Try not getting hurt by what other people say about you.

6. Travel more.

7. Manage a Piggy Bank.

8. More Shoes, More Make up!

9. Give up on Aerated Drinks except Soda with a squeeze of Lemon/Sweet Lime. 

10. Love the love like you never loved anyone else. 

What is your Checklist for 2013? And how did you score on your 2012 checklist? :)